My Story - SHC and Sheng-Yen Lu

March 11, 2000 Video of speech recorded (To Teach kill people)   2003年3月11日 現場法會(殺人法)錄影

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     In March 11 2000, Sheng Yen Lu attends a great ceremony whereby worldwide members will be present. During the speech presentation he gave a very scary talk. Never before did he give such a horror speech which is so frightening and threatening. I believe he is trying to scare people.

     He (Sheng-Yen Lu) gives a speech to the members present on how to kill a person:

The only way to treat a stubborn or a hopeless person is to kill. If you love someone and have mercy and want to send one to heaven, you must first take his life and then expiate the sins of the dead. This is the 2nd greatest charm of the religion. He continue saying;- if there is no other way that could assist one, then the only way is to kill. Giving mercy or influence or wisdom and still not way out, then the only way is to kill.

"Diamond spell" could make disappear one person. Then take his soul and send to "Buddha country". Firstly, create the shape of a man (or human being), then put the man’s shape under one’s seating pad. (Or if you exert the spell, you put the man <the one you think he should be punished> under your pad.)

To cast the spell, you must first concentrate, think and imagine the person you target; - then

His two eyes will move to the back of the brain,

His nose move to the top of his head,

His two ears move to his nose,

His tongue twists back in the mouth, the tongue tip is inside the mouth while the back tongue faces to the front.

According to Tantric (Religion), all the organs on his face are all moved. When you succeed in doing this, this person does no longer exist. When his (the one being cursed) tongue is twisted, he cannot talk. But according to this spell/curse, it is the charm of killing others.

Once, my grand master taught me to learn and practice Buddha’s Diamond Peg. (When you practice and pray with this peg, it will give you power) The priest gave me the peg, and told me if I met some bad and evil person, you pray using the Diamond spell. I did not practice; and I told him I would not practice it. Whether I will practice or not in the future, I will decide it later.

In the preaching, Lu further told the followers (attendees) that:

When I put "you" under my seat and twisted all your facial organs (eyes, ears, mouth, nose), I pray using the Diamond spell, using the Diamond blaze along with the Diamond club, I can draw your soul to my front, and watching your head coming off, blood are black in color, flowing out. I can see all your internal organs decaying, some hell workers coming to grab your intestines, grab your liver, grab your heart, grab your stomach, and then tear them into pieces. Although it is a fierce killing spell (charm), but if I really do it this way on to you in the future, I guarantee that I will lead you to Buddhist’s Kingdom (the peace and eternal land).

When "Horse Head King" (a Buddha) descends from the sky, or the entire Diamond gods descend into your body, you will exhibit the Diamond face (image). When you have the Diamond face (image), you (start to cast the prayers), by holding the Diamond peg, and all other spell-casting devices. You can exert your killing command when you hold these devices. With the killing command, the command uses the Diamond fire, burns your target (the person you want to kill) away, burns him to ashes. Uses wind to blow all ashes away, grab your soul, and then send you to the West Happiest land of the Buddha Kingdom. All the Buddha attendants, Diamond gods come and press you on the ground, press your heart and don’t let it beat, tear your intestines, liver, stomach, kidney into pieces, chop your head out and black blood flow out. Make all your facial organs twisted (ear, mouth..etc). (The Horse Head King spell-HHK).

In this way, I can teach you another method (spell). You let (make) him sick. It is good to make him sick, make him sick. When you pray to "HHK" and ask him to make that person sick.

If you want this person to get well, it is easy. You recite the "HHK" curse 100,000 times, no need to be 100,000 time, it’s OK to recite 10,000 times. When you recite 10,000 times, the power of the prayer transfer to this person, then he will get well. This is a kind of punishment too.

Just like you make this person sick first, then he will regret and admit his fault. When he admits his wrong doing and correct himself, you have to recite 10,000 times the "HHK" charm towards him, to make him come back (return to this world). When he gets sick, he become dumb and cannot speak, you watch his tongue (with your mind concentrated on his tongue), and recite 10,000 the HHK curse, the curse resonance (exert spell) to this person, then he will get well. (Refer: - Mar11, 2000 videotape of speech recorded.)


      2000311, 盧勝彥美國, 西雅圖主辦大法會, 世界各地的信徒都來参加. 在法會上, 盧勝彥說了很多恐怖的話. 自從我進了 [真佛宗] 九年以來, 我從來没有聽過盧勝彥這樣的傳法, 他根本就是要借法殺人.(有當天法會的錄影帶為證)

      盧勝彥公然公開傳<殺度法>, 他說: -

密教的第一個密是<雙身法>, 第二個密就是<殺度法>. 什麼是<殺度法>? 對於這個頑劣, 非常頑劣的, 用慈悲心没有辦法去救度的, 對無可救藥的, 對於破法器的, 密教裡面有所謂的方便, [馬頭明王] 一個是般惹, 一個是方便, 你為了用方便的方法去度化他, 用智慧的方法没有辦法感化他, 用慈悲没有辦法救他, 只好用方便的方法.

[馬頭明王] 現憤怒相, 為什麼要憤怒呢? 佛法不是慈悲嗎? 佛法不離慈悲嗎? 為什麼要發这个瞋呢?  瞋念呢? 為什麼呢? 瞋是一種方便, 它的背後叫作慈悲, 為了度化那個没有救藥的, 頑劣的, 一定要用<殊法>, 就是殺法.

蓮華生大士他本身也用了這個法, 包括釋迦牟尼佛.

為什麼? 為什麼要發憤怒的心? 因為你要慈悲那一方的, 要超度他, 要先殺了他再超度他, 叫作<殺度法>, 這是密教的第二密.

以前我很少提到這个<殺度法>, 這是<降服法> 的更深一層的方法. [馬頭明王] . 為什麼要做? 因 為你不做, 没有辦法救他的時候才做, 竟然這個人没有辦法救他了, 用慈悲没有辦法救他了, 用感化没有辦法感化他了, 用智慧没有辦法度化他了, 只好用<殺度>.

這個超度他, 超度他到那裡去, 到佛國去. 以前師父也給我這個 [馬頭明王] , [馬頭明王] , [馬頭明王] 金刚撅, 他教我修法, 我有修法, 卻没有使用, 他暗中跟我講一句話, 給你這個金剛撅, 你去修金剛撅法, 你就是要有作用的你不用, 修這個金剛撅法做什麼? 啊我現在想一想這個 [馬頭明王],  金剛撅, 他給你, 你修了這個法, 這個撅法, <金剛撅>的法, 是可以把對方 給消滅掉, 然後再把他的靈魂接引到 [文殊師利] 的佛國, 接引到西方極樂世界. 超度他到了佛國的净土. 這是慈悲先于的<瞋念>, <>, 开始<>, 然後呢再慈悲的, 把他的靈魂接引到佛國.

[馬頭明王] 里面按照師父所講的, 他是先造對方的人行, 對方的人行做好, 放在你的坐墊底下, 或者你屁股底下把他坐着, 你只要觀想他, 他的两個眼睛跑到他的後腦, 他的鼻子移到他的頭頂, 他的两個耳朵, 移到他的鼻子, 他的舌頭向後轉, 舌尖在裡面, 舌頭在外面. 按照密教所說, 他的面孔五官已經移位, 眼睛移到後腦, 鼻子移到頭頂, 個耳朵移到鼻子, 舌頭向後轉. 按照 這样子觀想去修法的話, 這個人就不會存在了. 这個舌頭向後轉, 更本就說不出話来,  更本就說不出話来, 但個法本身來講起來就是<殺度法>.

*         *         *

以前祖師教我修<金剛撅>, 你修<金剛撅>, 這個<金剛撅>給你, 你碰到大惡之人, 你修<金剛撅法>. 我没有修, 以後我要不要修, 以後再作打算.

我把你的人行放在我座下, 把你的五官扭轉, 我修法用<金剛撅>, <金剛火焰>, <金剛棒>, 我把你的元神觀想到我的前面來, 我看到你的頭斷了, 你膊子裡面流出黑色的血, 我看到你的身體啊裡面已經開始五臟啊已經開始腐爛, 所有的羅叉來抓你的腸子, 來抓你的肝, 抓你的心臟, 抓着你的胃, 把它扯爛. 這個雖然是凶猛的<殺度法>, 但是, 如果我將來啊,如果我將來這樣子做, 我也一定保証把你超到佛國."

"[馬頭明王] 從虚空之中下降, 或者是所有的<金剛神> 降到你的身上的時候, 你會顯現<金剛相>, 你就顯現<金剛相>, 當你顯現<金剛相>的時候啊, 你持咒, 金剛符, 跟所有<降服法> 的法器的時候, 你可以在持咒之中下了殺令, 下殺令是有咒语的, 下殺令, 那個殺的令, 用火呀, <金剛火>把對方燃燒掉, 燒成灰, 用風把所有的灰吹散, 把你的元神抓住, 再超度往<西方極樂世界>的佛國.

所有的 [羅刹][金剛神將], 到你的身上, 把你的心臟按着讓它不跳, 把你的腸肝胃髀腎全部扯爛, 把你的頭砍斷, 冒出黑色的血, 把你的五官全部扭轉.

 *         *         *

記得月圓的時候, 月亮圓的时候, 十萬遍. 月亮圓的時候, 你把 [馬頭明王] , 印在印在月心, 两眼觀察他的相, 看到光, 看到烟, 看到霧, 看到火, 看到 [馬頭明王] 的神變, 你馬上就可以發跟它结盟, 這個時候它就永遠跟随着你, 你可以差遣它做任何的事情, 它可以進到你的身中, 你變化成為 [馬頭明王]. 你只要把敵人那元神招来, 嘴巴張開, 露出 [馬頭明王] 的二齒, 两個牙齒, 卡叉! 你咬他的脚, 他的脚就斷了, 咬他的頭, 他的頭就斷了, 咬他的身子, 他的身子就斷了, 這個就是<殺度法>.

*         *         *

那麼有一辦法也可以教你們, 你只要讓他生病, 生病就好, 生病. 你向 [馬頭明王] 祈禱讓對方生病, 要讓他好很簡單, 你再念十萬的, 不用十萬遍, 一萬遍就可以, 一萬遍的[馬頭明王] , 回向给對方這個人, 這個人的病他就好, 這個也是一種處罰啦 .

好像是你先 讓這個人先生病, 然後他有回改, 這個時候, 你再念一萬遍的 [馬頭明王] 咒回向 給他, 把他再轉回來, 馬上再轉回来, 甚至於他生病了, 他變成啞巴不能講话, 你再觀想他的舌頭再回正, 念一萬遍 [馬頭明王] , 回向 給对方,這個人病就好."(2000311日的法會錄影帶為證)


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